I'm grateful that since I went to University for journalism and electronic media, that my family and friends have typically always come to me saying, "hey can you take photos for me for graduation, wedding, etc" and I'm more than happy to do so! However, why did it never dawn on me, they are asking me because if they were to hire someone they'd be investing a chunk of money that I could be charging when I'm the one with the degree and training in what they are asking for?! *face palm*
However, 10+ years later in the industry, I finally figured it out that I should be doing photography on the side and I'm beyond grateful that my first client was family supporting me on this "new" venture! Let's rewind though so you can get a little background on how we got to where we are in Kellen and Cheyenne's love story.

In summer of 2021 my cousin Kellen took an internship in Orlando while he was attending Vanderbilt University. (We won't disown him as his mom is a Vandy grad.) Kellen and I have about 7 years between us, so growing up we never really hung out since I moved away after high school. This time during his internship was really our first time actually getting to know each other and we became great friends during this summer! Kellen was still dating his HS girlfriend and through conversations I could tell there was something stirring in him. I think I saw Kellen have independence for the first time in his life being away from Nashville and he loved it. It was like I saw my "baby" cousin (yes, he was 22 at this time and 2 feet taller than me, but that is small details) grow right in front of my eyes! Nonetheless, I soon accepted a new job that brought me back to Nashville. Kellen and I were ready to take over Nashville! (Little did I know I would soon be pregnant and not spending much time downtown unless it was working games.) However, it was during this time that Kellen really embraced the new found independence and not only finished up college at both Vanderbilt and Trevecca, but he really put himself first.

While I was pregnant, my parents offered to watch my daughter one night a week so that I could have some time to spend with friends, self-care night, etc. If you know me you know I love to play kickball. I knew once I had baby girl that's where I would be spending my one night a week. Therefore, who do I reach out to first? My super athletic cousin of course! "Kellen, you are young and athletic. Help me get a kickball team together." I was 5 weeks postpartum. No way I was doing too much yet as I was still not even cleared to drive. (Yet I'm trying to play kickball soon as I can *face palm once again*)
Kellen told me, "There's this girl I think I want to ask, but I'm not sure yet because what if it goes south and we are on the same kickball team?" I told him to just hold off on asking her until he knew for sure. Well, it didn't take long. It was 4th of July and said girl, Cheyenne, was at the family cookout and signed up to play kickball with us starting that next week.

Watching their love grow each week was so special. I could see a true fulfillment and happiness. I never know why people use the word "content" in a bad way. I think being contently happy in where you are/what you have in life brings a peace that is transcending. It's overwhelming and at the same time you become so confident in who you are. I was such a proud cousin watching Kellen become so confident in who he was independently and also confident in his relationship with Cheyenne. They have a mutual love for music. They would play kickball and then soon as the game was over, they'd head to a show and enjoy the rest of their night together. While I was watching my "baby" cousin grow up, it was also like watching two little kids with such a fascination and sincere love for each other. I would give them a hard time for playing their little cutesy games at the kickball field. You could see they did not care what anyone thought because they had each other. It was truly a "when you know, you know" and you could see that from day 1.
Fast forward about 6 months and that "when you know you know" had a nice ring to it. Kellen texted me after our Christmas family lunch asking me what I was doing on Friday (December 30th). I told him watching the Vols beat Clemson and immediately I just knew and said "Why? lol ARE YOU PROPOSING?! AND NEED A PHOTOGRAPHER?!" He responded, "AHAHAHA, yes and yes. This is me officially letting you know it's happening Friday." The most genuine couple was about to celebrate such a huge milestone and I felt honored to have the opportunity to capture it.

Kellen and Cheyenne would regularly do surprise dates for each other. Friday was Kellen's turn to surprise Cheyenne. The only hint they get is they are told what to wear. That's it. So Cheyenne knew to get dressed up cute, but little did she know she was getting dressed up to begin her future as Mrs. Lively.
Cheyenne's cousins who are her best friends turned off their location so Cheyenne would not have any hints, and they flew in to make the big surprise even bigger. The location was at "their spot" at Percy Priest Lake. Both of their parents and siblings also lined the walkway to forever. It was such a beautiful, quiet moment.
My wish to Kellen and Cheyenne is that they always have the unwavering fascination with each other, to continue to explore with each other and never lose that kid-like giddiness when they are with each other. I can't wait to watch this next chapter of their lives blossom and start a future together. I love you both!
Want to book with SK Photography? Reach out to book with me! I'd love to capture your life's sweet moments!
Email samanthakincaid4@gmail.com or contact me through social media for booking.
- Newborn Session (1 hour with wiggle room): $350, minimum 35 photos
- Family Lifestyle Session (1 hour at location of choice): $300, minimum 30 photos
- Family Studio Session (1 hour at my studio): $250, minimum 30 photos
- Graduation/Senior Photos: $300, minimum 35 photos
- Maternity Session: $250, minimum 30 photos
- Engagement: $350, minimum 35 photos
- Wedding: $2,000 for minimum of 150 photos, if you would like a second photographer, an extra $750 will be added and amount of photos will go up to minimum of 250 photos.
All bookings require a $50 deposit at time of booking that will go towards your final payment.